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To BasicTraining 

There's more to life than wanting, worrying about, and working for things (Luke 15:11-32; Matthew 6). You are A Child Of GOD, which MAKES you a God in GOD'S Earth that HE Has GIVEN to you (Psalm 82:6 & 115:16; Genesis 1:26-28)! But, Heirs Can Only Become Masters After They've Been Trained (Galatians 4:1-2).


So, Let's GOD UP!

Mission Of BasicTraining

Come Learn With Us

GOD Made Man for more than what he's been pursuing. But if we don't know GOD, we will never know ourselves and what our Standards & Pursuits should be. Therefore, it is The Mission of BasicTraining to break things down and to supply the basic, necessary information needed in order to provide a Clearer Picture Of GOD and what actions need to be taken daily to live a Purposeful, Godly Life. 


Nothing that's True & Real is Automatic. We have to Consciously, Insightfully, Prayerfully and Manually Manage our Own Mind, Time, and Actions if we want things to Move In The Right Direction.


So, if you're Ready for things to Shift And to Change, let's Start This Journey Together today.


Reach out with questions or Prayer requests via Google Form

©2024 by BasicTraining. 

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